Planning an Event in Sooke
The District of Sooke encourages events that bring people together, build social connections, and promote healthy community living.
If you’re planning an event in a District Park or are making use of a local road, a permit is required to help ensure a safe and enjoyable event for everyone.
Complete a District of Sooke Special Event Application >>
Be sure to complete your special event application, including site plans:
- For multi-day events: at least 3 months before your event.
- For one-day events: at least 1-month before your event.
- Please note: if applying for a District of Sooke Community Grant, your special event permit application must be submitted with your grant application before the March 15th deadline.
Fees and Deposits
- For events in parks, a $500 deposit is required. Commercial rental fees are $200/day. There is no charge for registered not-for-profit organizations.
- Depending on the size of the event, the organizer may need to pay for traffic control or additional support services, such as garbage removal.
Notifying Neighbours
The organizer is responsible for notifying residents, businesses and other parties that may be affected by the event 14 (fourteen) days before the event. A copy of the notification must also be provided to the District with the date of distribution. This notice must include pertinent information about the event such as:
- date;
- time;
- duration;
- location/area or event;
- temporary traffic or parking regulations; and
- a phone number for enquiries.
A record of who was notified is required. Large events may also require advertisements through local media.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any event taking place in a District Park or requiring a road closure must complete a special event application. A Park Use Permit is required for activities taking place in parks and a Highway Use Permit for events affects local roads.
Please note that if your event is impacting Highway 14, a Highway Use Permit from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is required.
Submission to approval can range from 2 days to 2-months. This range depends on the scope of the event and the content provided.
Applications cannot be reviewed until they are received in full, including site plans. The site plans must be clearly marked and legible. For larger events in District parks, a site meeting may also be required before your permit can be issued.
An Event Toolkit is under development to help you in planning your event and support you with the application process.
A liquor license permit (Government of BC Special Event Permit – SEP) through the Province is required when liquor is served at an event. The host or organizer of the event must apply for a SEP. A permit cannot be issued to a person or business (i.e., liquor service provider) that is not the organizer of the event.
Before making their SEP application, an organizer must have provided the District of Sooke with their District of Sooke Special Event Application AND received event approval. At that time, the District will provide the event organizer with the required written permission to submit to the province. Please allow extra time in your event planning to allow for this process to be completed. Learn more >>
We’re happy to celebrate great events in our community! Please submit your event calendar listing request here >>