Public Hearings

Updated July 5, 2024

Generally, public hearings allow affected citizens to provide their views on planning and land use bylaws to Council in a formalized public process. In some instances, provincial legislation PROHIBITS the District from holding public hearings. As a mechanism to help respond to the housing crisis in BC, Bill 44, Local Government Act (LGA) specifies that public hearings may not be held when:

  • The zoning bylaw amendment aligns with the official community plan;
  • The zoning bylaw amendment is intended to facilitate residential development; and
  • At least half of all structures in the development are designated for housing.
Why the Change?
The province is making these changes to encourage public engagement earlier in the planning and development with the resulting effect of streamlining the building process and responding to the housing crisis. This is a part of the provincial “Home for People” Action Plan.


The following reflects upcoming/recent public hearings and identifies applications where provincial legislation prohibits the District from holding a public hearing:
Public Hearing Public Hearing Package-OCT-15-2024- Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 913 (400-17), 2024 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 914 (600-106), 2024 The purpose of Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 913 (400-17), 2024 is to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) for the designation of the property located at 2008 Murray Road from Park to Town Centre. The purpose of Zoning Amending Bylaw No.914 (600-106), 2024 is to amend the zoning of the property located at 2008 Murray Road from Public Recreation (P1) to General Commercial (C2).
Public Hearing Prohibited (Provincial Legislation) Notice of Zoning Amendment prior to first reading on Monday, June 24, 2024.

The intent of this proposed bylaw is to update Zoning Bylaw No. 600, 2013 to comply with Bill 44 – Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 to permit Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) in accordance with Local Government Act Section 481.3.

The proposed amendments will:

  • amend definitions, general regulations, setbacks, height maximums, lot coverage and off-street parking requirements in Restricted Zones that must comply with SSMUH and to align with the subsequent Provincial Policy Manual & Site Standards, where directed by Council;
  • permit secondary suites and/or small suites in all zones previously restricted to single-family and/or duplex residential use (Restricted Zones); and
  • permit three to four units of SSMUH on parcels less than 4,050 m2 in size that are serviced by both community water and municipal sewer in Restricted Zones.
Relevant documents, the proposed bylaw, and additional information regarding this application will be published on the Council agenda for the June 24th, 2024, meeting. Council agendas can be viewed at and are posted by 12:00 noon on the Friday before a Council meeting.
Public Hearing Prohibited (Provincial Legislation) REVISED -Notice of Zoning Amendment prior to first reading on Monday, June 24, 2024, for 6956 Grant Road West. The purpose of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 908 (600-103) 2024, is to
amend the zoning on 6956 Grant Road West from Large Lot Residential (R1) to Medium Lot Residential (R2) for the purpose of subdividing the property to create an additional lot.
Relevant documents, the proposed bylaw, and additional information regarding this application will be published on the Council agenda for the June 24th, 2024, meeting. Council agendas can be viewed at and are posted by 12:00
noon on the Friday before a Council meeting.
Public Hearing Prohibited (Provincial Legislation) Notice of Zoning Amendment prior to First Reading for 2316 Church Road. Available in the April 22, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Agenda package, published on April 19, 2024. The purpose of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 902 (600-101) 2024, is to amend the zoning on 2316 Church Road from Rural Residential (RU4) to Medium Density Multi Family 2 (RM2) for the purpose of developing ground-oriented multi family residential in the form of townhouses and duplex units. Available April 19
Public Hearing Prohibited (Provincial Legislation) Notice of Zoning Amendment prior to First Reading for 6588 Throup Road. Available in the April 22, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Agenda package, published on April 19, 2024. The purpose of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 904 (600-102) 2024, is to amend the zoning on 6588 Throup Road from Large Lot Residential (R1) to Medium Density Multi Family 2 (RM2) for the purpose of developing ground-oriented multi family residential in the form of townhouses. Available April 19
Public Hearing Prohibited (Provincial Legislation) February 12, 2024, Information Package – 6676 Sooke Road This application is proposing to rezone the subject property from the General Commercial (C2) Zone to the Town Centre Mixed Use (CTC) Zone, to accommodate a mixed commercial residential development. Amending the Zoning Bylaw in this way would allow for the development of a larger building than is otherwise permitted under the current C2 zoning. Higher density at this location aligns with the property’s Land Use designation of Town Centre within the Official Community Plan (OCP), 2010. The property is located within the Sewer Specified Area and is connected to sanitary sewer and CRD water. THAT Council give First, Second, and Third Reading to Bylaw No. 898 (600-100) to amend the zoning of the subject property legally described as Lot 1, Section 10, Sooke Land District, PLAN VIP5865, (6676 Sooke Road), from the General Commercial (C2) Zone to the Town Centre Mixed Use (CTC) Zone and amend the text of Section 405.8, Conditional Uses, of Bylaw No.600, Zoning Bylaw, 2013 to permit only mixed commercial residential uses as a principal use where at least half the total gross floor area of all buildings is for residential use;

AND THAT prior to final adoption of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.898 (600-100) the owner enter into a Section 219 covenant registered in priority of all other charges on title to require:

a) That, prior to building permit issuance, the owner contribute $3,000 per unit to the Sooke Housing Reserve Fund, Bylaw No.259 in accordance with Section 4.7 of the Official Community Plan, 2010.

b) That 10% of the proposed dwellings are constructed as adaptable, or accessible.

c) That, prior to building permit issuance, in alignment with approved design drawings, the owner agrees to dedicate a portion of the property along Townsend Road to meet the Town Centre cross section standards of the Transportation Master Plan, 2019 and the Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw No. 404.

d) That, prior to building permit issuance, in alignment with approved design drawings, the owner agrees to dedicate a portion of the property along Sooke Road (Highway 14) in addition to registering a 2.5 m Statutory Right of Way to meet the Highway 14 cross section standards of the Transportation Master Plan, 2019 and Bylaw No.404, Subdivision and Development Standards, 2014.

Public Hearing Prohibited (Provincial Legislation) February 12, 2024, Information Package – 2292 Phillips Road The applicant has applied to amend the zoning of 2292 Phillips Road, a 0.57 ha (1.4 acre) property from Rural (RU2) to Medium Density Multi Family 2 (RM2) for the purpose of developing ground-oriented multi family residential in the form of townhouses and duplexes. New development in the RM2 zone requires the property to
be included in the Sooke Core Sewer Specified Area (SSA) and the District has received a Petition for Local Area Service for 2292 Phillips Road. There is an accompanying staff report recommending First, Second, and Third reading to Sooke Core Sewer Specified Area Amendment Bylaw No. 894 (147-45), 2024.
THAT Council give First, Second, and Third Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw
No. 895 (600-99), 2024 to amend the zoning of the property legally described as Lot
1, Section 27, Sooke District, Plan VIP75090 (2292 Phillips Road) from Rural (RU2) to
Medium Density Multi Family 2 (RM2)
AND THAT prior to final adoption of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 895 (600-99),
2024, the owner enter into Section 219 covenants registered in priority of all other
charges on title for:

  • dedication of approx. 2,181 m2 parkland
  • affordable housing contribution of $3,000 per residential unit to Bylaw No. 259,

Housing Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw, 2006

  • road dedication
  • rainwater management
  • requirements related to the Riparian Areas Protection Regulation Assessment Report including restoration of disturbed riparian area
Public Hearing December 11, 2023, Public Hearing Package – Otter Point Road, 2197 The purpose of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 893 (600-98) 2023 is to amend the text of the C1, Neighbourhood Commercial, to list “Private Club” as a permitted use for the property at 2197 Otter Point Road. THAT Council give third reading to the Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 893 (600-98), 2023 to amend Section 401.8 of the C1, Neighbourhood Commercial Zone of Zoning Bylaw, 2013, Bylaw No. 600 to include “Private Club” as a primary permissible use on the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 24, Sooke Land District, Plan VIP79955 (2197 Otter Point Road).
Public Hearing July 10, 2023 – PH Pkg-Bylaw 887 – 2027 Maple Ave South The purpose of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 887
(600-96), 2023, is to amend the zoning of the property
located at 2027 Maple Avenue South from the Large
Lot Residential (R1) Zone to the Medium Density Multi-
Family Residential (RM2) Zone.
THAT Council give third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw
No.887 (600-96), 2023 to amend the zoning of the property located at 2027 Maple Avenue South from the Large Lot Residential (R1) Zone to the Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (RM2) Zone.
Public Hearing October 10, 2023 – Public Hearing Package – Croydon Place, 5529 The purpose of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 886 (600-95), 2023, is to amend the zoning on the property from Rural Residential (RU4) to RU5 Neighbourhood Residential (RU5). THAT Council give third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 886
(600-95), 2023 to amend the zoning on the property located at 5529 Croydon Place from Rural Residential (RU4) to Neighbourhood Rural Residential (RU5)
Public Hearing October 10, 2023Public Hearing Package – 2072, 2076 and 2080 Camden Place The purpose of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 888 (600-97) 2023 is to amend the zoning on the property located at 2072, 2076 and 2080 Camden Place from the Medium Lot Residential (R2) Zone to the Medium Density Multi-Family (RM2) Zone. THAT Council give third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 888 (600-97), 2023 to amend the zoning on the property located at 2072, 2076 and 2080 Camden Place from Medium Lot Residential (R2) to Medium Density Multi- family 2 (RM2).


Participate in Public Hearings

To participate in a public hearing, you can:

1. Provide a written submission:

Written submissions can be provided to Council in advance of the scheduled public hearing date via:

a) Email – send your submission to
b) Mail – address your submission to Corporate Services, Sooke Municipal Hall, 2205 Otter Point Road, Sooke BC, V9Z 1J2
c) In-Person – Bring your submission, addressed to Corporate Services, to the front counter or place it in the drop-box located at the main entrance of Municipal Hall.

2. Address Council during the Public Hearing

The public is permitted to direct Council during a Public Hearing. Once a Public Hearing ends, the public comment period is closed.

Public Hearing Q + A

What items are open for public hearings?

A public hearing is an opportunity for members of the public to make representation to Council before adopting or amending:

  • Official community plan bylaws
  • Zoning bylaws
  • Bylaws for the early termination of land use contracts.
Who is permitted to speak at a public hearing?

At the public hearing, all persons who believe they are affected by the proposed bylaw must be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard. This involves an opportunity to make a speech or presentation to the elected officials or to present a written submission.

How is notice provided on public hearings?

Notice must be given in accordance with section 94 of the Community Charter prior to the hearing. Notice must be not less than three days and not more than ten days before the date of the public hearing.

The notice must state:

  • The time and date of the hearing
  • The place of the hearing
  • If the hearing is conducted by means of electronic or other communication facilities, the way in which the hearing is to be conducted by those means
  • In general terms, the purpose of the bylaw
  • The land or lands that are the subject of the bylaw
  • The place, time and dates where the bylaw and related materials may be viewed (often the municipal hall)

If the bylaw alters the permitted use or density of any area or the residential rental tenure in any area, or limits the form of tenure to residential rental tenure in any area, then the notice must be mailed or otherwise delivered at least 10 days before the public hearing to owners and tenants within a distance that is specified in local government bylaw. In the District of Sooke, this distance is 100 metres from the land that is the subject of the application.  The requirement for individual mailouts does not apply if the alteration affects 10 or more parcels of land owned by 10 or more persons.

What happens after a public hearing?

After the close of the public hearing (either the same day or at a later meeting), the council may:

Adopt or defeat the bylaw
Alter and then adopt the bylaw (as long as the changes don’t alter the use, increase density, or decrease density without the consent of the landowner)

Did You Know?

  • At the Public Hearing, Council will not debate the merits of the proposed bylaw nor enter into dialogue with the public. There is no opportunity at the hearing to debate points-of-view expressed by other members of the public.
  • Presentations or submissions must be received by Council before the Public Hearing. When the Public Hearing is closed, Council is not permitted to receive or consider any further submissions.
  • After the Public Hearing, Council will discuss, express opinions and vote on the third reading and adoption of the proposed bylaw amendments. If Council does not support the bylaw at third reading, the bylaw may be defeated or Council may postpone its decision until further information is received from staff. Council may only receive information from staff and the information may only address issues raised at the Public Hearing.
  • It is important to note and understand that Council has not made up its mind on the issue. While a Council member may have a position on an issue, they each come to the Public Hearing with an open mind, to listen to and hear from the public. You are being given the opportunity for Council to hear your views and opinions on the application.

Council is committed to ensuring that all people who speak at a Public Hearing are treated in a fair and respectful manner. No form of discrimination is acceptable or tolerated. This includes discrimination because of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or economic status. This Council Chamber is a place where all human rights are respected and where we all take responsibility to create a safe, inclusive environment for everyone to participate.