Sign Regulation Bylaw
The District of Sooke Council adopted Bylaw 480 Sign Regulation Bylaw 2011, on October 11, 2011.
The intent of this Bylaw is to:
- encourage the effective and equitable use of signs as a means of identifying businesses and services;
- encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication;
- enhance the appearance of the Municipality by regulating the size, height, design and location of permitted signs;
- apply the sign regulations in a fair and consistent manner;
- protect the public from the dangers of inferior sign construction and from nuisance or hazards arising from improperly maintained, repaired or sited signs;
- regulate the construction, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of signs; and
- regulate the issuance of sign permits.
The Land Use and Environment Committee is currently reviewing Bylaw No. 480, Sign Regulation Bylaw, 2011. The Committee has provided the following direction to staff:
- to enter into discussion with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure as to the installation of wayfinding signage on Highway 14 (Sooke Road);
- to work with the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce to determine any issues with Bylaw No. 480, Sign Regulation Bylaw that require an amendment to Bylaw No. 480;
- to finalize the Town Centre Guidelines policy (public process) to determine any proposed changes to size or style of signs that require an amendment to Bylaw No. 480; Town Centre Guidelines
Upon obtaining a decision with MOTI as to the wayfinding signage and the identification of proposed amendments to the Bylaw No. 480, staff will bring forward draft bylaw amendments to the Committee for review.