Subdivision Bylaw 404

On October 14, 2014, District of Sooke Council adopted Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, 2014.  This bylaw applies to the subdivision or development of all lands within the District of Sooke, and includes improvements to multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, institutional or agricultural lands, highways or rights-of-way, including the construction or alteration of a building as authorized by a building permit.  The following links provide direct access to the various forms and schedules for use when developing in the District of Sooke.

Bylaw No. 404, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw (full document)

Approving Officer Application Requirements Guide

Subdivision Process Guide

Application Fees (Included in schedule 10 of Fees & Charges Bylaw) 


 Subdivision/Dev’t Application  Phased Strata Application Form
 Engineer’s Undertaking  Design Drawing Assessment
 Drainage Certificate  Permission to Construct
 Construction Completion Cert.  Streetlight Activation
 Certificate of Inspection  As-Constructed Inventory Sheet
 Final Acceptance Certificate  Agmt-Non-Refundable Deposit
 Agmt-Works and Services  Reduction in Security
 Sanitary Serviceability Review  Cost Estimate