An updated regional context statement has been drafted to summarize how Sooke’s Official Community Plan (OCP) is consistent with the 2018 Capital Regional District (CRD) Regional Growth Strategy.
About the Project
The CRD updated the Regional Growth Strategy on March 14, 2018 to replace the region’s first growth strategy, adopted in 2003. The 2018 Regional Growth Strategy provides policies and targets to help guide municipal decision-making on a range of regional topics including managing and balancing growth, environment and infrastructure, housing and community, transportation, economic development, food systems, and climate action. The updated Regional Growth Strategy also provides new population projections to 2038.
Section 446 of the Local Government Act requires local governments to include within their Official Community Plan a regional context statement that indicates the Official Community Plan’s relationship and alignment to the Regional Growth Strategy.
Sooke’s OCP was adopted in May 2010 and includes a regional context statement that was consistent with the 2003 Regional Growth Strategy. In addition to describing specific alignments with the 2018 Regional Growth Strategy, the updated regional context statement includes a reorganization and simplification of information, removal of references to the legal effect of the regional growth strategy and the addition of population, dwelling and employment projections to 2038. No new policies are proposed for inclusion in the OCP with the updated regional context statement.
Latest News
At its January 13th, 2020 Regular Council Meeting, Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 774 (400-15), 2020 to update Sooke’s regional context statement received first reading from District of Sooke Council. The bylaw has been submitted to the CRD Board for consideration pursuant to section 446(2) of the Local Government Act. The regional context statement is subject to acceptance by the CRD Board, to ensure the municipality and the CRD Board agree that the two documents are compatible and consistent.
The District of Sooke is now seeking input from the Capital Regional District, District of Metchosin, Agricultural Land Commission, Ministry of Environment, T’Sou-ke Nation, Beecher Bay, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, School District No. 62, Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Planning and interested members of the community.
Provide Your Input
Please see below for the proposed and current regional context statements.
Submit any comments or questions you have about the draft updated regional context statement to no later than March 15, 2020.
Next Steps
Once the CRD Board has accepted the regional context statement, the OCP may proceed to Second Reading and scheduling of a public hearing. At the time of a public hearing, members of the public can address Council in person or submit written correspondence. This page will be updated once a public hearing date has been set.
After a public hearing, if the Official Community Plan amendment bylaw is approved by Council, staff will submit the updated regional context statement to the CRD Board for final consideration and acceptance.