Wednesday, December 20, 2023 – From Monday, December 25, 2023 to Monday, January 1, 2024, the seasonal holiday closure is in effect. We will reopen for regular business on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.
Essential services are not impacted by the office closure.
During the holiday closure, documentation may be deposited in the Mail Drop Box located at the front entrance of the Municipal Hall. Correspondence sent to during this time will be responded to upon the team’s return, during the first week of January. Emergency contacts are:
- Fire Department or Sooke RCMP Detachment Emergency – 911
- Fire Department: Non-emergencies – 250.642.5422
- Sooke RCMP Detachment: Non-emergencies – 250.642.5241
- Wastewater Emergencies: Please contact 250.642.1634 and press 5 for an operator. Operators are available 24/7.
- Please contact utility providers for emergencies regarding their services:
- CRD Water: 250.474.9600
- BC Hydro Emergency Line 1-888-POWERON (1.888.769.3766), or *HYDRO (*49376) on your cell phone.
- Fortis BC (Natural gas emergencies) 1.800.663.9911 (24 hours)
- Road Maintenance Emergency: Victoria Contracting (Ansan Group) is the District of Sooke’s municipal road maintenance contractor. Contact Victoria Contracting directly at 250.474.2688.
Staff and Council wish you the best for a safe and happy holiday season!
Tel: 250.642.1634