For an Emergency with respect to fire or life safety, please call 911.
Emergency Support Services
Residents who have been displaced,or evacuated from home due to a disaster or emergency such as a fire, earthquake or flood may receive emergency support services for up to 72 hours immediately following the emergency. Services may include food, lodging, clothing, emotional support, information about the crisis, and family reunification.
Contact the Fire Department to contact the Emergency Support Services team at 250-642-5422.
For larger-scale emergencies involving the evacuation or displacement of multiple families and residents, an Emergency Reception Centre may be activated at the Sooke Community Hall (2037 Shields Rd.) and/or one of the Sooke schools. The Reception Centre will help displaced residents through a registration and referral process, providing short-term services (for up to 72 hours) on behalf of Emergency Management BC (EMBC).
Sooke Fire Department
2225 Otter Point Rd, Sooke BC
Phone: 250-642-5422
Emergency Only: Dial 911
Sooke RCMP Detachment
2076 Church Rd Sooke BC
Phone: 250-642-5241
Emergency Only: Dial 911
Wastewater Emergencies
In case of a wastewater back-up, during office hours (7:30 am – 4:00 pm), please contact the Wastewater Department at 250 642-1634 and press 3. After hours, please contact (250) 642-1634 and press 5 for an operator. Operators are available 24/7.
Please contact utility providers for emergencies regarding their services:
- CRD Water: 250 474 9600
- BC Hydro Emergency Line 1-888-POWERON (1-888-769-3766), or *HYDRO (*49376) on your cell phone.
- Fortis BC (Natural gas emergencies) 1.800.663.9911 (24 hours)
Road Maintenance
Victoria Contracting (Ansan Group) is the District of Sooke’s municipal roads maintenance contractor. After office hours or for emergencies, contact Victoria Contracting directly at 250-474-2688 or by email at
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure manages Highway 14 and the Edward Milne frontage road, their contractor is Emcon Services, the District of Sooke does not create calls for service for these areas. Please contact Emcon Services directly with your concerns at 1-866-353-3136.
Trees and Storms
- Contact BC Hydro at 1-800-BCHYDRO (1-800-224-9376) if trees or branches interfere with power lines
- Property owners are responsible for removing trees or branches on their private property.
- Damaged public trees (e.g., from a park or on a boulevard) can be reported to the District of Sooke Park at 250.642.1634.
Other Emergency Services
- Air or Marine Emergency: 1-800-567-5111
- Provincial Emergency Program: 1-800-885-6655 (Earthquake, Flood, Tsunami, Dangerous Goods Spilled, Coastal Watch).
- Poison Control Centre: 250-595-9211
- Victoria General Hospital: 250-727-4212