UPDATE July 8th: Crews have made excellent progress on the Tugwell Creek fire, and it is now 100% [...]
NEWS RELEASE July 3, 2018 [Sooke, BC] The District of Sooke is participating in the [...]
**DoS Annual Mock Training Exercise*** UPDATE #4 9:30PM: Firefighters have been successful in efforts to protect [...]
June 28, 2018 The District of Sooke is pleased to announce the construction of the [...]
District of Sooke live wildfire training exercise scheduled on June 28th – please remain calm, this is only a [...]
As a member of the the CRD Climate Action Inter-Municipal Working Group & Electric Vehicle [...]
NEWS RELEASE-June 12, 2018 Are you a Sooke resident interested in affordable housing issues? If [...]
NEWS RELEASE – June 11, 2018 In accordance with the section 98 of the Community [...]