Apply now to the Victoria Foundation Collaboration Grant Stream

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 – The District is sharing the following information from the Victoria Foundation:

When organizations work together towards shared goals, they can have far greater impact than when working alone.

Continuing from 2023, Victoria Foundation’s Community Grants Program Collaboration Grant Stream is supporting two grant sub-streams reflecting the evolving ways community organizations are looking to work together to address collective goals:

  • Collaborative Practice Innovation grants were developed in response to the growing number of collaboratives that are focused on strengthening sector and organizational effectiveness through strategic collaboration.
  • Collaborating for Systems Change grants continue to focus on efforts to disrupt the status quo and shift the conditions that hold a complex community problem in place by addressing underlying root causes.

Approximately $700,000 in funding is available to support collaborations in our region for this grant call. This comes from donor-advised funds, Community Action Funds, and the Government of BC’s Community Prosperity Fund, an investment from the Government of BC totaling $25 million for the province’s non-profit sector.
The Victoria Foundation is welcoming applications from September 10 – October 3, 2024. 

Please contact the grants team at to receive an access code before you apply.