Community Update, July 18, 2024: Charters Road Construction Project

Thursday, July 18, 2024 – We are pleased to provide another update on the ongoing construction work on Charters Road. Our crews are making good progress with the installation of wall blocks for the retaining wall, and the backfilling process is advancing as the wall begins to take shape.Key Milestones Achieved in Recent Days

  • Retaining Wall Construction: Crews are installing the wall blocks and backfilling to ensure the structural integrity of the retaining wall. This phase is crucial for providing long-term stability and support to the surrounding infrastructure.
  • Drainage Systems: Drainage systems are being installed to manage water flow, prevent erosion, and ensure the resilience of the infrastructure. This involves aligning and connecting to existing drainage networks, contributing to overall environmental sustainability.
  • Excavation Work: Excavation continues, adhering to environmental and archaeological regulations. This careful process prepares the site for subsequent construction activities.

Project Status

While the project remains on schedule, we recognize that unforeseen challenges can arise. Once excavation is complete, we’ll be more optimistic about accelerating progress through the remaining milestones. Upcoming phases will include:

  • Further Backfilling and Compaction: As the retaining wall construction continues, additional backfilling and compaction will be performed to ensure a solid foundation and stability.
  • Utility Works: Installation of essential utilities, including water, sewage, and electrical systems, will be integrated into the ongoing construction.
  • Surface Preparation and Paving: Once the retaining wall and associated structures, including utilities, are in place, the focus will shift to surface preparation and paving along with sidewalk installation. This will involve grading, applying base layers, and eventually laying down the final surface.
  • Adjustments in Advance of Substantial Completion: Before the project is fully completed, thorough inspections will be conducted to ensure all work meets safety and quality standards. Any necessary adjustments will be made to guarantee the durability and effectiveness of the new infrastructure.
  • Final Inspection and Monitoring Period: Once the major construction activities are completed, a final inspection will be carried out. This involves a comprehensive review of the entire project to verify that everything has been built according to plans and specifications. Following the inspection, a monitoring period will ensure the infrastructure performs as expected under real-world conditions. Any issues will be addressed promptly to ensure the project’s long-term success and safety.

We will continue to provide updates to keep the community informed about our progress. The next update will be provided on August 1, 2024.



Retaining wall progress on Charters Road Construction Project, July 2024
Installation of lateral drain on Charters Road Construction Project, July 2024