Sooke Residents Urged to Secure Garbage as Bear Activity Rises with Warmer Weather

Thursday, March 7, 2024 – With ongoing reports of bear sightings in the Sooke area and concerns raised by residents, it is crucial for the community to take proactive measures to mitigate potential conflicts with wildlife.

Several Sooke residents have expressed their worry regarding the practice of placing garbage at the curbside the night before collection. This behaviour not only poses a risk to wildlife in our communities but also increases the likelihood of habituation and food-conditioned behaviours. We need your help to alleviate such habituation.
As the winter climate becomes warmer, bear activity is expected to rise, making it imperative for residents to secure attractants properly. Unsecured garbage and other attractants not only attract bears but may also pose a threat to public safety.
Both the BC Conservation Officer Service and the District of Sooke have legislation and bylaws in place regarding attractant securement. Residents found in violation of these regulations may face monetary fines.
Black bears are opportunistic feeders and are unable to distinguish between natural and non-natural foods. They seek easily accessible nourishment, which includes improperly secured garbage bins.
As members of this community, it is our responsibility to take proactive steps to ensure the safety of wildlife. By securing our garbage and other attractants, we can minimize the risk of wildlife-human conflicts and create a safer environment for all.
For more information on wildlife attractant management, please visit the Wild Wise Society website and the District of Sooke’s co-existing with wildlife information page.
Let’s work together to keep our wildlife safe and our communities thriving.

Quick tips:

  • Store your garbage, recycling and compost in a secure location until the morning of collection.
  • Freeze organic waste to prevent smell.
  • Feed pets indoors and store pet and livestock feed in a secure location.
  • Clean your BBQ after every use.
  • Pick your fruit before it ripens and prevent windfall.