Sooke Region Community Consultation on Homelessness

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 – The District is sharing the following release from the Sooke Region Communities Health Network:

The SOOKE REGION COMMUNITIES HEALTH NETWORK (SRCHN) has worked to create a strong partnership of groups concerned through serving Sooke Region communities and promoting health and wellness.

Through a recent homelessness grant and with the support of the Sooke Region Homelessness Coalition and Sooke Shelter Society, SRCHN has produced the report ‘Amidst the Paradise: Homelessness in the Sooke Region.’ The report was written to provide insights into the chronic homelessness and hidden homelessness in the Sooke Region, whilst also illustrating the local housing needs, support needs and service gaps.

The report was produced with support from services and information was also gathered through the completion of a local homelessness survey. The report also provides unique insight and a space to amplify the voices of people with a variety of lived experiences following a number of interviews with the homeless communities.

“This project has been so important for us to begin to understand the complexities surrounding homelessness in the Sooke Region. We have worked collectively with numerous agencies, government and representatives, and we hope that with the report and the continued support of our partners, volunteers and the community, we can continue to work towards our goal of a region without homelessness.” – Mary Dunn, Board President, SRCHN and previous Chair of the Sooke Region Homelessness Coalition.

“This report helps us to illustrate the need we have for continued support within our region. It is hoped that the report will help to continue our push for funding of appropriate local services. I would also like to add a special thanks to those individuals with lived experiences who were able to share their personal experiences to help us to shine a light on the needs of our community.” – Sherry Thompson, Sooke Shelter Society President.

SRCHN, Sooke Shelter Society and the Sooke Region Homelessness Coalition will continue to interact with local service providers to receive guidance about homelessness and near homelessness. Following its findings, the final report presents 7 key recommendations that will be actioned and regularly reviewed by the Sooke Region Homelessness Coalition.

Please find below the link to the report:

Amidst the Paradise: Homelessness in the Sooke Region

For more information, please contact Christine Bossi, SRCHN Coordinator

Email: or telephone/text: 250-858-3458.
