Public Hearing Results: Rezoning of 2008 Murray Road Receives Third Reading

Thursday, October 17, 2024 – On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the District of Sooke Council held a public hearing regarding the proposed rezoning of 2008 Murray Road. The application looks to amend the land use designation and zoning of the property. During the hearing, residents had the opportunity to provide input and share their views before Council proceeds to a decision. 

Public hearings allow residents to voice their opinions on proposed changes to land use in their community. The hearing is the final opportunity for public comment before Council makes decisions on land use amendments. Once the hearing is closed, as it now is for this file, Council can no longer accept new information, apart from technical clarifications from staff, ensuring transparency and fairness in the decision-making process. 

Following the hearing, Council providing third reading to the following bylaws, and passed a resolution to ensure a covenant is obtained prior to adoption of these bylaws: 

  • Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 913 (400-17), 2024: amend the land use designation of the property legally described as Lot B, Section 3, Sooke Land District, Plan VIP2451 (2008 Murray Road) from “Park” to “Town Centre.” 
  • Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 914 (600-106), 2024: amend the zoning of the property legally described as Lot B, Section 3, Sooke Land District, Plan VIP2451 (2008 Murray Road) from Public Recreation (P1) to General Commercial (C2). 
  • Covenant Requirement: Prior to final adoption of the amendment bylaws, the owner is required to register a Section 219 covenant to address an affordable housing contribution of $3,000 per unit, road dedication, and tree protection measures. 

Next Steps 

The bylaws will be considered by Council for fourth reading (adoption) once they receive approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the covenant conditions are satisfied.  

Under the new General Commercial (C2) zoning, permitted uses at this location include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Bakery 
  • Brew pub 
  • Convenience store 
  • Health services 
  • Office 
  • Personal services 
  • Retail 

It is important to note that uses such as gas stations and auto service facilities are not permitted under the new zoning given the location of this property. 

For those interested, a recording of the public hearing is available for viewing on the District’s YouTube channel 

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