Prepare for Warmer Weather

Thursday, July 4, 2024 – As temperatures rise this weekend, residents are reminded to stay cool and safe while enjoying the outdoors. With summer upon us, preparedness is key to ensuring everyone’s well-being and resilience in our community.

“Warmer weather brings opportunities for outdoor activities, but it’s important to stay mindful of the heat and be prepared,” said Ryland Bennett, District of Sooke Emergency Program Manager. “By taking simple steps now, we can all enjoy the summer season safely.”

Key tips for preparing for warmer weather include:

  1. Stay hydrated: Drink lots of water.
  2. Seek shade: take breaks from full exposure by seeking shade or air-conditioned spaces.
  3. Check on family, friends and your neighbours, especially those who are isolated or more vulnerable to heat illness.
  4. Make your home as comfortable as possible – close blinds and shutters during the daytime and open them at night; consider installing a home cooling system.
  5. Be mindful of pets: Keep midday walks short and keep to cooler, more shady routes.

“We also want to remind everyone enjoying the Sooke Potholes to please respect parking signage. This is strictly enforced and is to ensure emergency vehicle access at all times,” added Bennett.

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