Join the CRD’s Biodiversity Challenge!

Friday, May 21, 2021 – The District is sharing this message from the Capital Regional District:

Join nature lovers across Greater Victoria between May 21-24, 2021 as we celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity through the first-ever CRD Biodiversity Challenge. Look for wild plants, animals and fungi within the capital region and record them using iNaturalist. You will be joining a large community of local nature lovers who are helping to inventory and celebrate the capital region’s amazing flora and fauna.

Participating in the Biodiversity Challenge is simple.

  1. Create an account using the free iNaturalist app (AppStore or Google Play) or website
  2. Join the CRD’s Biodiversity Challenge project for the chance to win prizes and receive project updates.
  3. Find local nature in your backyard, neighbourhood, or favourite park or beach between May 21-24. Observations of wild native plants, animals, fungi, insects, tracks, or even scat are all welcome.
  4. Use a digital camera or smart phone to capture your sightings, and upload to iNaturalist.
  5. Identify your findings as best you can and have people from the iNaturalist community help confirm your identifications.
  6. Enjoy getting fresh air, connecting with nature, and helping to build a record of biodiversity in the capital region!
  7. Tread softly and leave no trace. Do not trample vegetation, disturb wildlife, or leave behind garbage.


Capital Regional District through their contact form