Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Official Community Plan (OCP) review?
An Official Community Plan review is an opportunity for the District to ensure that the goals and objectives which were set out in the OCP are still important to the community. Since an official community plan is a long-term guiding document for the future of a community it is important that everything stated in the plan is still relevant to the community.
Why is the Official Community Plan important?
The OCP reflects the community’s values and priorities as presented through its vision. By setting out a clear community vision today, we can shape our future growth in a way that is sustainable and provides a high quality of life for current and future residents.
How does an Official Community Plan (OCP) help us reach our community goals?
All municipal policies, plans, and regulations must be in alignment with the OCP Bylaw, so it is a powerful guide for District decision-making. An effective OCP provides clear direction but does not preclude change to the plan based on evolving circumstances or interpretation of policies by Council and staff. In this way, an OCP is often considered a “living document”.
Why is public input needed?
An Official Community Plan (OCP) Review involves significant public involvement from the beginning to the end so that goals and policies reflect community concerns and hopes for the future. During an OCP update, the review process is open, transparent, and requires broad input from residents, elected officials, staff, and stakeholders. It is the District’s goal to engage residents of all ages and walks of life to participate in a wide number of activities over the life of the review.
I heard about Community Sounding Boards. What are they? When will they be available?
A sounding board raises awareness about the Picture Sooke project and allows people to provide input “in the moment”. The board is placed on an easel and sticky notes are left for residents to provide comments. Currently, we have a call-out to business to let us know if they are interested/able to host a sounding board. Based on their response, we will have these distributed by the end of the month. They will then be available for 7-10 days for residents to provide their comments. If you are a Sooke business that is able to host a board, click here to learn more.
How else can I be involved?
- Please spread the word! Tell your neighbours and encourage them to visit to be a part of having your say and Picture Sooke with us.
- Know someone who may not be able to return a print survey to the municipal hall on their own, check-in, and offer to do so for them. (Print surveys will be distributed in the October 21st edition of the Sooke News Mirror and must be returned to the municipal hall by Thursday, November 5th, 2020.)
Where can I get more information about the OCP?
You’re in the right place. Please stay tuned to for the latest information on the OCP review process and to learn how to be involved.
Who do I contact to learn more?
Please email any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the OCP to or call 250.642.1634.
Last updated October 7, 2020