Photo Gallery: Spooky Pumpkin Walk – 250+ Pumpkins Shine Light on Pineridge Park

Thursday, November 2, 2023 – Many thanks to the Friends of Sooke Parks Society who hosted a “Spooky Pumpkin Walk” at Pineridge Park on November 1st and provided an avenue for residents to compost pumpkins following Hallowe’en as we continue our efforts in co-existing with wildlife.

Earlier this year, the Society organized a community clean up and FireSmart stewardship gathering at the park. The team will also be planting two trees at the park entrance off of Rhodenite.

Pineridge Park is an approximately 1-acre park, accessed off of the path on Pineridge Place, as well as from the 6600 block of Rhodonite Drive, and is home to a combination of a diverse forest canopy and gently sloped greenspace.

The efforts of the Friends of Sooke Parks Society are funded in part through the District of Sooke’s Community Climate Action Seed funding program.

To discover more of Sooke’s parks, use the Sooke Park Finder map:

To learn more about the implementation of the District of Sooke’s Climate Action Plan, visit:

To learn more about the Friend of Sooke Parks Society, visit their website: