Successful Emergency Training Exercise Enhances Preparedness in Sooke

Wednesday, June 19, 2024  – On Saturday, June 15, 2024, Sooke Fire Rescue, in collaboration with firefighters from Metchosin, East Sooke, and Otter Point, along with BC Ambulance Service, Sooke Emergency Program, Sooke Emergency Support Services (ESS), volunteer actors and Ayre Manor Seniors’ Housing, conducted a comprehensive emergency simulation at the multi-story assisted living apartment building.

Approximately 50 participants took part in this exercise, designed to challenge firefighters and enhance preparedness for responding to emergencies at facilities like Ayre Manor. The event also allowed Ayre Manor staff to practice their emergency plan, including the mass evacuation of residents. Sooke ESS and the Emergency Program practiced setting up a reception centre at the Sooke Legion Branch 54 and coordinated the intake of simulated displaced community members.

“As we review the feedback and notes from the day, we are committed to incorporating all key learning points and recommendations to enhance our response strategies and future planning,” said Sooke Fire Rescue Deputy Chief, Wayne Kennedy. “Exercising a scenario of this scale provides invaluable real-time practice in fire response, facility emergency management, and community evacuation.”

The exercise not only tested operational logistics but also fostered meaningful interaction between emergency responders and the residents and staff of Ayre Manor. The ESS team operated a reception centre where volunteers simulated the intake process as displaced residents, identifying operational gaps and streamlining procedures for future incidents.

“Conducting such a complex scenario requires thoughtful planning and coordination, but the outcomes are immensely rewarding,” added Kennedy. “This exercise underscores our commitment to readiness and community safety, and I thank all involved for making the day a success.”