Planning an event in Sooke? We’re here to help!

Please follow these steps to ensure your event is a success.

Updated January 16, 2025

1. Complete the Event Application Form

Start by filling out the Event Application Form to let us know key details about your event. Be sure to give at least 60 days’ notice. If applying for a community grant, please note that your event form MUST accompany your grant application. The grant deadline for 2025 Community Grant Funding is March 15, 2025.

Please note that if you are having vendors at your event, the event organizer is responsible for ensuring vendors are appropriately licensed/insured. If your event includes alcohol, you must apply for a Special Event Liquor Permit from the province well in advance of the event.

2. Park Activities

If your event includes activities in any District park, you’ll need a Parks Permit. This helps us ensure that our parks remain accessible and enjoyable for everyone, and that the space is appropriately suited for your event.

3. Impacts on Local Roads

Any event that impacts local roads (e.g., closures, traffic delays) requires a Highway Use Permit. Submit your application early to allow time for review and coordination. 

4. Impacts on Highway 14

If your event will affect Highway 14, a separate application must be submitted to the Province of British Columbia. This process is independent of the District’s permits, so please plan accordingly. However, once a permit from the province is received, please provide a copy to the District. Learn more about Highway use permits from the province here: Highway use permits – Province of British Columbia

5. Fees and Charges

Note that fees may apply for permits. If there is any discrepancy between the information on this page and the District’s Fees and Charges Bylaw, the Fees and Charges Bylaw will take precedence. 

  • Fee for Commercial Use of Municipal Property: $200.00/day + $50.00 administration fee + $500.00 refundable damage deposit
  • Fee for Registered Not for Profit Use of Municipal Property: no charge, $500.00 refundable damage deposit required
  • Film Permit: $50.00
  • Highway Use Permit: $50.00 + Highway Use Deposit, if applicable
  • Parks Use Permit: $50.00
  • Staff: Actual Cost

We’re excited to support your event and look forward to seeing your event become a social economic driver that brings vibrancy to the community!

Submit Your Application >>>