Connected Community
A connected community celebrates strengths, facilitates collaboration, is supportive of each other. A connected community provides opportunities to learn together and to grow together. is our local hub to facilitate and embrace such a connection. Check back as new opportunities are added.
Seek ‘n Snap
A community scavenger hunt.
With the opening of the STICKLEBACK URBAN TRAIL, residents are encouraged to celebrate nature and take a selfie – or two while they are at it (view high-resolution map). Here’s how it works:
- SEEK out the item on the trail highlighted below.
- SNAP a photo with the item.
- SHARE your photo through the submission form below.
While you are encouraged to participate at any time, during the Stickleback Urban Trail opening, October-November 2020, there are additional incentives to participate. With each photo you share, you will be entered to WIN admission passes to the SEAPARC Leisure Complex! Check back as prizes (& winners) are announced.
1. SEEK out these items on the trail:
View the trifold brochure (web version; high resolution):
- SPIRIT BEAR AT SOOKE REGION MUSEUM. A celebration of local history found here. Local artists Gene Sebellus and Bonnie Spence designed “Kody” the Sooke Spirit Bear through Sooke Program of the Arts (SPA), the Sooke Lioness Lions Club, and the Sooke Lions Club. Find Kody and snap a “selfie”.
- STICKLEBACK FISH ROAD MARKINGS. The stickleback leads the way along the trail. Find at least 3 of these symbols on the pavement along the 6.5 kilometre route.
- SOOKE BIKE PARK. Adventure found here. The Sooke Bike Park opened March 2015. A community-driven project, funded by the CRD, SEAPARC, Juan de Fuca Electoral Area and the District of Sooke. Snap a pic here, on your bike, or passing with the Douglas Fir forest as your backdrop.
- STICKLEBACK ON POST. With cultural artistry, the stickleback leads the way along the trail. Find at least 3 of these symbols on posts along the 6.5 kilometre route.
- SEAPARC LEISURE COMPLEX. Operated by the CRD with funding support from the District of Sooke, this community facility is home to an area, swimming pool, and fitness studio. Visit their website for schedule info:
- BROOMHILL PLAYGROUND. Smiles, laughter, and all of the colours of the rainbow found here. Fun for all ages, this park features multiple play structures, picnic and washroom facilities, and a multi-purpose sports surface for street hockey and basketball.
- WATERING TREE BAG (late spring to early fall). Care for the environment found here. A tree watering bag provides supplemental irrigation during tree growth root establishment, slowly releasing water to allow for gradual absorption (& preventing unnecessary runoff). The use of the bags is one way we’re working towards a more sustainable Sooke. Give a thumbs up for this environmental stewardship initiative in your photo.
- WESTERN RED CEDAR. Western Red Cedar can grow up to 70 metres tall. A thriving species in the pacific northwest, red cedar is plentiful where the rainforest meets the sea. Give a thumbs up to this native plant species in your photo here.
- SWORD FERN. The western sword fern is an evergreen fern native to western North America, where it is one of the most abundant ferns – so, this one should be easy to find. Give a thumbs up to this native plant species in your photo here.
- ENGLISH HOLLY. Holly is an invasive species and one the District, in collaboration with the community, is working to remove. Interested in getting involved? Learn more on our website at Give a thumbs down to this invasive species in your photo.
- YOUR TRAIL TREASURE. What else did you find on the trail? Show us your favourite spot on the trail: a remarkable viewpoint, a particular plant or animal perhaps? Search our website “Caution Nature” or visit Wild Wise Sooke, a volunteer-run wildlife educational program working to promote coexistence between the Sooke community and our wild neighbours, to learn more about wildlife in Sooke.
2. SNAP a photo with your camera or mobile device.
3. SHARE your photos through the form below:
Stickleback Urban Trail
Stroll or roll through 6.5 kilometres of urban trail on the Stickleback Urban Trail, connecting the Galloping Goose Trail at Kirby and to Clarkson Park at Broomhill.
Opened in fall 2020, the Stickleback Urban Trail was developed in partnership with the Juan de Fuca Trail Society. The Stickleback Urban Trail links existing paths to form a functional route throughout the community. In addition to its remarkable natural beauty, the trail features wayfinding posts, map tables, a central kiosk, and a water fountain with a water bottle filling station and a faucet for pets.
The Juan de Fuca Community Trails Society is a coalition of hikers, cyclists, and equestrians in the District of Sooke and the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area. They work to encourage appreciation and respect for our natural features and the environment through community trails opportunities to promote and create a legacy of community trails for walkers, cyclists, and equestrians in the Juan de Fuca area. To learn more about the Juan de Fuca Trails Society, please visit
Last updated: October 13, 2020