Public Hearing and Public Input information packages, agendas and minutes are available on this website and at the Municipal office. Please note that minutes are not available until they are adopted by the Council.

The Community Charter states that all bylaws and resolutions should be considered by Council in regular or specially convened council meetings where there is a quorum. The Local Government Act also requires public input before adoption of certain bylaws or approval of some permits:

  • Official Community Plan or Zoning bylaws
  • Development Variance Permits
  • Board of Variance Permits

These meetings are generally called Public Hearings or Public Input Meetings and are scheduled in advance and are advertised and open to the public. The provincial legislation also sets out the requirements for notice to affected property owners. At the meetings, all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw or permit must be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions.