On behalf of the CRD, the District is sharing this important bulletin on Parks usage – this includes Sooke Potholes Regional Park (click for full list) :
For Immediate Release
April 9, 2020
Responsible Park Use Needed for Parks to Remain Open
Victoria, BC- To support community health and prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Capital Regional District (CRD) is calling for visitors to CRD regional and electoral area parks to make the decision to choose a park close to their home and demonstrate responsible use in order for parks to remain open. Park status is being assessed daily. Visitors must adhere to the orders and recommendations of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) to stay local and ensure social distancing. Should these orders or recommendations not be maintained by park visitors, there could be restricted access or use.
The PHO recommendations and orders include keeping at least two metres of distance between yourself and others and not gathering in groups. Staff have observed that the vast majority of parks visitors are adhering to social distancing protocol. However, there are some areas where social distancing isn’t being practiced. In particular, cyclists and runners need to ensure a safe distance when passing other visitors, and dog owners should ensure their dog is under effective control or on leash.
Visitor use of CRD parks continues to remain high and with the long weekend approaching, visitors need to do their part to ensure responsible park use including:
- Stay at home if you are sick
- Restrict your groups to members of the same household
- Keep 2 metres apart from other visitors
- Consider using a leash for your dogs at all times – even in leash optional areas
- Yield to other users on bridges, stairs and narrow sections
- Cyclists and runners give notice and practice social distancing when passing other visitors
- Stay to the right of the trail in a single file
- Consider visiting your local park or trail during less busy times
The CRD will continue to have a more visible presence in the parks to encourage responsible parks usage by educating visitors about social distancing, monitoring visitor use and continuing to enforce park bylaws. CRD parks visitors can expect to see increased presence of park interpreters, park rangers and CRD bylaw officers over the long weekend.
CRD Regional Parks protects and has the responsibility to manage more than 13,000 hectares of natural areas in our regional parks on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. We recognize many families and individuals rely on our regional parks, and we need your support by continuing responsible visitor use in regional parks in order for them to remain open.
For updated information on the CRD’s response to COVID-19, please visit www.crd.bc.ca/covid.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Andy Orr, Senior Manager
CRD Corporate Communications
Tel: 250.360.3229
Cell: 250.216.5492