March 30, 2020
[Sooke, BC]
Residents are being asked to continue being vigilant and follow the orders and recommendations of provincial health officials. Social distancing is helping, but the next two weeks are critical. “Everyone must do their part,” urges Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry. The actions that residents and businesses are taking are certainly helping, and are very much appreciated – but, the storm is not over yet.
Mayor, Maja Tait, continues to address the community on a weekly basis each Monday at 1:00pm. The Mayor’s Address summarizes community and regional updates and initiatives via the District of Sooke’s YouTube Channel. Subscribe to the channel to receive notifications on new video posts. All past videos are available to watch in the video library.
March 30, 2020 Addresses:
Mayor’s Address Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry Address
#ChooseSooke and support local business – NEW webpage
The District has launched a new web page that shares Local Business Information including the current status of various essential services and businesses, as well as business resources.
There are a number of agencies dedicated to ensuring small businesses in British Columbia have the resources they need during these difficult times. Several of the resources available to businesses are included on the new webpage. A status update on essential businesses is also included for residents. Suggestions regarding additions/changes to the list can be emailed to:
Sooke Bluff Park closure: The District is closing access to Sooke Bluff Park, effective immediately. This park is located in the Whiffin Spit area and accessed from Bethany Place. Displayed signage will help remind residents of the closure.
Car seat installation service at Sooke Fire Rescue on hold: The Fire Department has put the car seat installation program on hold until further notice as this service cannot be offered while adhering to the advice of public health officers.
Reminder that CRD’s Sooke Rotary Skate Park, is closed: The CRD has closed the Sooke Rotary Skate Park, operated by SEAPARC to the public until further notice.
School District 62 announces child-care for essential workers: The Sooke School District is working on setting up child–care for those workers deemed essential by the provincial government. While the school district initially directed families to email their needs to the district, they have now created an online form to streamline the process for families. If you have already sent an email to the district or your principal/school they ask that you now go to the website to register. Access the form at as well as other relevant information regarding the program.
The District thanks all residents, businesses and service providers for stepping up and making the necessary changes and sacrifices to get through this together.
Media Contact:
Matt Barney, Emergency Program Coordinator & EOC Director
District of Sooke Fire Rescue
250-642-5422 ext. 638 |
District Contact and Social Media Channels:
Twitter: @SookeCa
Facebook: Emergency Program
District Phone: 250-642-1634
Fax: 250-642-0541
District Email:
Staff Email: Directory
Fire Dept. Phone: 250-642-5422
Fax: 250-642-3840