June 18, 2020
[Sooke, BC]
COVID-19: Planning BC’s recovery – have your say
The residents of Sooke have come together over the past three months to respond to historic challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. For many, these challenges have included health concerns, loss of income, altering the ways that you approach your work, coping with isolation, making the difficult decision to close or pivot business operations, keeping essential services operating safely, juggling childcare needs, adjusting to virtual classroom environments – and loss of usual rhythms, activities and structure. The progress that has been made is due to a collective commitment by Sooke residents to be nimble, and come together as a community to respond and support one another.
The Province announced its (careful) Restart Plan in early May. As we reflect and reimagine a new way forward, you can have your say in Building BC’s Recovery, Together. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our province. As we plan our recovery, the choices we make in the coming weeks and months can help us build an economy – and a province – that works for everyone. To get there, your voice is essential.
Join the discussion on what kind of province we want to build together by sharing your ideas on key questions such as:
- What do we need to do together to strengthen and improve our health care system? That means everything from our hospitals, clinics and personal care homes, to medical staff and supplies.
- What is the top priority for you personally when it comes to improving your quality of life? For some people that means affordable childcare or housing – what does it mean for you?
- What would most help improve your work life or work prospects? That could mean training to allow you to take advantage of job opportunities, or affordable childcare closer to home.
- Are we on the right track? Do you see your concerns and needs reflected in this approach?
- Learn more – read BC’s Recovery Discussion Paper
- Take the survey (closes July 21, 2020) – share your ideas & opinions now
- Join an upcoming event – participate in the June 25th Virtual Townhall
- Stay up to date – sign up for email updates about BC’s COVID-19 Recovery
“This is an opportunity for Sooke residents to contribute to a stronger and more resilient community and province. Take the time to share your thoughts and ensure that your voice is heard,” encourages Sooke’s Emergency Program Coordinator and Deputy Chief, Matt Barney.
For more information on the plan for Building BC’s Recovery, Together, visit:
Media Contact:
Matt Barney, Emergency Program Coordinator & EOC Director
District of Sooke Fire Rescue
250-642-5422 ext. 638 |
District Contact and Social Media Channels:
Twitter: @SookeCa
Facebook: Emergency Program
District Phone: 250-642-1634
Fax: 250-642-0541
District Email:
Staff Email: Directory
Fire Dept. Phone: 250-642-5422
Fax: 250-642-3840