2024-2027 Strategic Priorities

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Adapted on October 28, 2024, the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan (the Plan) outlines the District of Sooke’s vision, mission, and priorities, focusing on sustainable growth, community well-being, economic resilience, and organizational capacity building. The plan was developed through Council workshops and ongoing public dialogue (informed by public correspondence and the annual budget engagement process), as well as staff insights to support the organization’s response to the community’s needs.

Process Overview

The development of the Plan encountered delays due to the postponed hiring of a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), resulting from a series of unfortunate events. These delays impacted the overall timeline for developing and endorsing the plan. Despite these challenges, Council has remained committed to establishing clear priorities for the District.

Public input on the Plan was primarily informed through elected officials. Ongoing correspondence, along with public engagement during the annual budget process, provided further insights.

Strategic Plan and Operational Alignment

The District’s strategic plan guides staff workplans by ensuring that Council’s priorities are put into action. Each department aligns its projects and initiatives with the goals set in the plan, turning long-term objectives into practical steps. Together with the District’s budget, the strategic plan shapes how human and financial resources are allocated to support District operations efficiently.

Key Focus Areas

The Plan identifies five strategic areas of focus:

  • Sustainable Growth and Environmental Stewardship: Promoting responsible development while preserving Sooke’s natural beauty.
  • Community Economic Development: Supporting business diversity and resilience.
  • Community Safety and Wellbeing: Ensuring a safe, inclusive community.
  • Infrastructure Investments and Multi-Modal Transportation Networks: Improving transportation networks and infrastructure.
  • Organizational Development and Capacity Building: Strengthening the District’s capacity to meet service demands.

2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan

Adopted on September 30, 2019, the 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan sets out a decision-making framework that reflects the priorities of the current District of Sooke Council. The Strategic Plan establishes long-term direction and specific, achievable actions to guide the governance and operations of the municipality.


An inclusive, healthy, and self-sufficient community where the rainforest meets the sea.


The District of Sooke strives to be a compassionate, engaged, and effective organization providing excellent public services to its citizens by:

  • Maintaining our strong sense of identity;
  • Managing our growth for generations to come; and,
  • Making our local economy diverse and resilient.

Core Values and Guiding Principles:

  • Effective governance
  • Community well-being and safety
  • Community vibrancy
  • Long-term thinking
  • Effective & consistent communication
  • Environmental leadership


  • Build a reputable organization
  • Demonstrate leadership in climate action
  • Manage long-term growth while enhancing community identity, vitality, and safety.


The 2019 -2022 Council Strategic Plan was developed with an accompanying “Action Plan”, which will be used to track progress towards meeting the goals and objectives of the strategic plan and to provide a quarterly update to Council. The following reports provide a timeline of this progress.

At the September 14, 2020, Regular Council meeting via the consent agenda, the Strategic Plan Action Plan was officially replaced with a new, refreshed, document. Please view the September 8, 2020, Committee of the Whole agenda & minutes for further details on the discussion and decision.

The 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan (without an updated Action Plan) can be viewed here: 2019-2022 Council Strategic Plan